Monday, July 6, 2009

Thank You

Keadaan aku skang dah ditahap sesak napas...
Nak bernyawa pon tersekat-sekat...
Tapi nampaknya disebabkan ego boss dan ego aku bertembung..
aku taknak balik...
At first dia ckp, "do what you think right and see your whiteboard"
then aku ckp occay...

Then email masuk, dia ckp, "As I doubt you’ll be in tomorrow – I’d rather you get better sooner rather than later."

aku reply, "its occay,I'll stay"

then reply dari dia lagi....

"If you’re ill then go home. Only you know how ill you are.

I don’t want you staying here and infecting others."

hmmm....and aku reply?nope...i didnt reply him...let the situation decide...

Aku malas nak bertekak ngan boss...maybe dia nak tengok orang pengsan or mati dlm opis baru die suruh balik kot...
and now, aku ikut flow dia...mmg dia ckp,go home if you like...

but i can sure you,future this thing will be an issue to bring up if I screw up.

so the decision for now, stay!No matter what,stay!

Do my fucking job done...

last but not least,

Thank you!



AiYa said...

akhirnya ko blk kan kan. ahahah. fck off la bos. esk sila mc lagi.

Jarr said...

ha'ah kan...
sampai 2 hari aku mc...takleh bangun dowh....kena injection kat muntot....