but then there's always something i need to voice out kalau aku dlm keadaan emo...
i hate to say this, tapi aku nak gak ckp...
being nice to people adalah sesuatu yg bagus..provided niat yg ikhlas.
but if that people think in the other way, darkside will arise.
i mean negative thoughts.
Negative thoughts can be anything,
or it can be this way?
or just like what i goin' thru right now?
Satu pesanan kepada "kamu" yg ade other thoughts on me, please.........
think about it again....you can befriend with others without hesitate and not even a penny of your single fucking negative thoughts...affect me!
but if you have that feeling....i feel sorry for you...
i think you need someone to talk or at least GET LAID!
Susah la ini macam...malas mau pikir..."kamu" sudah besar maa...
Sindri buleh pikir...kata educated...kan?
Kalau tak educated, takde la ko duduk kat mana ko duduk skang nehh kan?
am i right?correct me if i'm wrong...but, that is you!
kejap ok, kejap mcm sial...kejap mcm angel, kejap mcm babi....
aiyohh..susahla mau baca ko nye pikiran...aku bukan Prof.Xavier...nak baca pikiran org kan?
so the best way will be, fuck yourself!haha.....
mangkok! ko mmg emo la.
gapo mu sembey lebak ni??
dok pehey stabok...
bai d way yang
aku suke nak quote balek yg ini
"kejap ok, kejap mcm sial...kejap mcm angel, kejap mcm babi.."
kau mengingatkan aku ttg seseorang..
aku or mangkuk yg emo?
sembey lebak gaponyo...benar belako semo nehh..
sapa agaknya itu worang?:D
charlie boy,
sapa emo?you or me?
more to you right?emo!:p
Jum buat vote...siapa lagi emo...jar ke me...sudah kompem jar menang majoriti. boleh tanding pilihanraya. i tak emo...i ni lain dari yang lain
nak vote buat ape..
dah sah2 charlie emo lebeh dari aku...
nik pon kadang2 emo giler...
apsal gua terlibat sma? nak sepak?
lol.. nice thought there! =)
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