Thursday, March 19, 2009

This Is The End of....................

Giler lama tak hapdet....sebab aku kurang sihat semenjak 2 menjak neh...mandomm jer nak wat pape..semlm setelah berfikir panjang...[sepanjang sungai ganges]...aku telah mengambil keputusan akan meninggalkan alam yg amat aku cintai,Bincang.Net......

Bermula dari 31st October 2008 aku mengenali dia...skang aku akan meninggalkan dia...aku harap semua ini hanya utk sementara waktu...=).Sebab aku suka banget merapu kat dalam tu...tapi kita hanya mampu merancang...Tuhan yg menentukan...seteliti mana perancangan yg ko buat if HE said no!then it will be NO.....reason aku quit forum???????

Guys, i really cant give the exact answer...sebab aku pon tak sure why i made this decision which is sounds like POYO.....tapi itu dah keputusan aku and it has nothing to do with anybody..i repeat!anybody!=)......but one thing for sure i'll be fine day.Gonna miss you know where and how to find me if you need anything...i will always be there.

We used to talk................We used to laugh.............We were best of friends
I thought thats how it would always be
You taught me so much
Told me exactly what to say
I wish it were still the same
But someday I know it will
Maybe not today
But we'll meet up again
It won't be long until I see your face
In Heaven that marvelous day 

Bye Guys......takecare.


stone said...

aisehhmann..jiwang la plak ayat...apa daaa..kata britpop tapi tangkap leleh plak...hehheh...

btw, kalau nak blah tu blah je laaa..tak payah laa beri sepatah dua kata...hehheh

tak rock laa luu...;)

Jarr said...

apa yg tak rock err?
brit pop pon ade perasaan ape???